Unconference, July 2014, Ian Potter Museum of Art
Holograph is a playful creative unconference and antidisciplinary salon. This means that anyone is welcome to speak or present a workshop on anything they’re knowledgeable or passionate about, whether it be physics, dance, linguistics, cooking, politics, or all of the above at once. The aim is to inspire, educate, connect, and demonstrate that everything intersects and that nothing is irrelevant to the creative mind.
Thanks to co-facilitators Katelyn Gigante, Izzy Gramp, Anthony Liew, Andrew Magee, Jesse Mazis, Amani Naseem, Harrison Smith, Chad Toprak, Maize Wallin, and many more people in the Glitchmark community for making this happen. Special thanks to Heather Gaunt and the Ian Potter Museum of Art for graciously hosting us.